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Interchain Account Interface

Developers can use the Interchain Account interface to create and control an account on a remote chain from their local chain.

Unlike general message passing, which requires recipients to implement a specific interface, Interchain Accounts (ICAs) allow developers to interact with any remote contract.


Interchain Accounts allow you to make a remote call from Chain A to Chain B using the router (InterchainAccountRouter). Here's how it works:

  • We use CREATE2 to compute the deterministic OwnableMulticall contract address for you, which serves as a proxy for your cross-chain calls. You can explore this here.

  • You can encode your call which includes the to address, call data, and the msg.value for each call, batched together in an array.

  • You send the encoded call to the Chain A router which gets relayed to the Chain B router.

  • After decoding the calls, the Chain B router checks if the computed address is already deployed or not. If not, we deploy the OwnableMulticall contract.

  • The router then performs a multicall on the ICA address, which in turn makes the desired arbitrary call on Chain B.

The Interchain Account interface assigns every (uint32 origin, address owner, address remoteRouter, address remoteISM) tuple a unique ICA address. The sender owns that ICA on the destination chain, and can direct it to make arbitrary function calls via the InterchainAccountRouter.callRemote() endpoint.

For core chains supported by Hyperlane, you are able to use the defaults that are set by the owner of the router contract. See the #overrides section to see how to make calls to any chain.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
pragma solidity >=0.6.11;

import {CallLib} from "../contracts/libs/Call.sol";

interface IInterchainAccountRouter {
function callRemote(
uint32 _destinationDomain,
CallLib.Call[] calldata calls
) external returns (bytes32);

function getRemoteInterchainAccount(uint32 _destination, address _owner)
returns (address);

  • Use InterchainAccountRouter out of the box - ICA routers have already been deployed to core chains. Please refer to addresses. Try using the callRemote method to do a call via your wallet's interchain account.

Example Usage


To use the callRemote function, first prepare an array of Call structs. can be easily encoded with the abi.encodeCall function.

struct Call {
bytes32 to; // supporting non EVM targets
uint256 value;
bytes data;

interface IUniswapV3Pool {
function swap(
address recipient,
bool zeroForOne,
int256 amountSpecified,
uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96,
bytes calldata data
) external returns (int256 amount0, int256 amount1);

IUniswapV3Pool pool = IUniswapV3Pool(...);
Call swapCall = Call({
to: TypeCasts.addressToBytes32(address(pool)),
data: abi.encodeCall(pool.swap, (...)),
value: 0,
uint32 ethereumDomain = 1;
IInterchainAccountRouter(0xabc...).callRemote(ethereumDomain, [swapCall]);

Typescript Usage

We also have Typescript tooling to easily deploy ICA accounts and call callRemote on the origin chain:

const localChain = 'ethereum';
const signer = <YOUR_SIGNER>;
const localRouter: InterchainAccountRouter = InterchainAccountRouter__factory.connect(<ICA_ROUTER_ADDRESS>, signer);
const recipientAddress = <EXAMPLE_ADDRESS>; // use your own address here
const recipientF = new TestRecipient__factory.connect(recipientAddress, signer); // use your own contract here
const fooMessage = "Test";
const data = recipient.interface.encodeFunctionData("fooBar", [1, fooMessage]);

const call = {
to: recipientAddress,
value: BigNumber.from("0"),
const quote = await local["quoteGasPayment(uint32)"](

const config: AccountConfig = {
origin: localChain,
owner: signer.address,
localRouter: localRouter.address,
await localRouter.callRemote(localChain, remoteChain, [call], config);

Determine addresses

It may be useful to know the remote address of your ICA before sending a message. For example, you may want to first fund the address with tokens. The getRemoteInterchainAccount function can be used to get the address of an ICA given the destination chain and owner address.

An example is included below of a contract precomputing its own Interchain Account address.

address myInterchainAccount = IInterchainAccountRouter(...).getRemoteInterchainAccount(

If you are using #overrides to specify remote chains, pass those overrides when computing the remote ICA address.

address myRemoteIca = IInterchainAccountRouter(...).getRemoteInterchainAccount(


Interchain Accounts allow developers to override the default chains and security models configured in the InterchainAccountRouter.

These are useful for:

  • Calling an ICA on chains not configured in InterchainAccountRouter.
  • Using different ISM than the defaults configured in the InterchainAccountRouter
  • Adjusting the gas limit for IGP payments or setting other parameters.


The callRemoteWithOverrides function looks similar to the callRemote function, but takes three additional arguments.

First, developers can override _router, the address of the InterchainAccountRouter on the remote chain. This allows developers to control an ICA on remote chains that have not been configured on the local InterchainAccountRouter.

Second, developers can override _ism, the address of the remote interchain security module (ISM) used to secure their ICA. This ISM will be used to verify the interchain messages passed between the local and remote InterchainAccountRouters. This allows developers to use a custom security model that best suits their needs.

Third, developers can override _hookMetadata, the StandardHookMetadata metadata passed to the message hooks for each ICA call (for example, overriding the gas limit for the IGP payment).

* @notice Dispatches a sequence of remote calls to be made by an owner's
* interchain account on the destination domain
* @dev Recommend using to format the interchain calls
* @param _destination The remote domain of the chain to make calls on
* @param _router The remote router address
* @param _ism The remote ISM address
* @param _calls The sequence of calls to make
* @param _hookMetadata The hook metadata to override with for the hook set by the owner
* @return The Hyperlane message ID
function callRemoteWithOverrides(
uint32 _destination,
bytes32 _router,
bytes32 _ism,
CallLib.Call[] calldata _calls,
bytes memory _hookMetadata
) public payable returns (bytes32)

function getRemoteInterchainAccount(
address _owner,
address _router,
address _ism
) public view returns (address)